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Disclaimer: He does well, and makes many good points, but fails miserably when he emptily asserts that "no right is 'God-given' or 'natural'", although what is really meant, as shown by the following paragraphs, is that (he asserts) rights will always be infringed, and brings up the old canard of shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater as a limitation on free speech when, really, it is, as Murray Rothbard points out, instead about an infringement of property rights for theatergoers and owner.

Thus, with those failures, this is not a voluntaryist paper per se, but in the vein of being a leftist's arguments (and insight) against many of, if not all of, the errors of the left, it is a document that may be helpful for voluntaryists.

The Rifle on the Wall: A Left Argument for Gun Rights