A free society necessarily has private courts and protection agencies (because there is no state, and because criminals are expected to always be with us). How could this work? First, [[Justice]] in a free society—it's about harm, not crossing arbitrary lines. It first belongs to the victim; but that doesn't mean everyone has to sit on their porch with a shotgun looking for burgars; the services of protection and arbitration can be bought and sold on the market, likely through a subscription model. Some excellent articles on implementation: * Murphy's [[Books/PrivateLaw]] and [[Books/LawWithoutTheState]] ([[http://v.i4031.net/Videos/PrivateLaw|video]]). * Hasnas's [[Books/TheMythOfTheRuleOfLaw]]. * !ClearSay's [[http://www.clearsay.net/law_without_government.asp|Law Without Government]].