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"People have the right to discriminate on their own property, even racially."

Statist: "Why do you hate black people?"


The general error is that defending the right to do something is conflated with wanting to do it (or wanting to see it done). E.g., "A person has the right to discriminate based on race" becomes (after some mental gymnastics):

  • "You want to discriminate based on race" ->

  • "Anarchists want to discriminate based on race" ->

  • "Anarchists want to discriminate against black people" ->

  • "Anarchists hate black people"

However, defending a right is orthogonal to expressing a desire. Just because something may be done in a free society—that is, it does not violate the NonAggressionPrinciple—does not mean most or even many voluntaryists want to see it done. Racism, for instance, is mere collectivism: putting people into a group and judging them by a characteristic not relevant to what is being judged (see Ron Paul on racism).

Although discrimination (and other non-aggressive acts) may not morally be responded to with force, there are alternatives to discourage it, such as:

  • Speech (persuading people that their views are incorrect)
  • Public exposure (publishing proof of discrimination or support for it, provided customers/audience are not also racist/etc.)
  • Ostracism (refusing to associate or do business with such individuals)