StatistFallacies / Democracy


Statist: A recent poll has 55% of the public supporting stricter gun control laws, with 44% opposed.

(Implication: the threat or initiation of violence against peaceful people is justified by numbers.)


The threat or initiation of violence (violation of the NonAggressionPrinciple) does not suddenly become moral because you outnumber a group (even if you go through a rat's nest of "representatives" and claim you're a "republic" rather than a "democracy").

It does not become moral just because said majority hires people, dresses them in uniforms, and pays them (with stolen money) to initiate violence; special pleading is a fallacy, and evil actions do not become good because a gang calling itself "the state" demands them. (DBR)

last edited 2013-01-17 19:24:38 by DavidRobins