'''Fallacy:''' "The housing crisis was caused by the banks and their deregulated policies revolving around the subprime mortgage issue." (Michael Lambert) '''Response:''' This is more specific than most of the fallacies here, so perhaps it should be moved to another list at some point, such as StatistErrors? (Also note: "financial crisis" and "housing crisis" are being used interchangeably here to refer to the same event: a financial meltdown tied directly to housing markets.) Tom Woods has written extensively on these issues, so let's just go directly to a few of his relevant articles: * [[https://www.lewrockwell.com/%32%30%30%39/%30%35/thomas%2Dwoods/no%2Dthe%2Dfree%2Dmarket%2Ddid%2Dnot%2Dcause%2Dthe%2Dfinancial%2Dcrisis/|No, the Free Market did not cause the Financial Crisis]] * [[http://www.tomwoods.com/blog/deregulation-caused-the-financial-crisis/|"Deregulation Caused the Financial Crisis"]] The crisis was contributed to by [[http://articles.businessinsider.com/2009-10-16/wall_street/29984294_1_mortgage-brokers-freddie-mac-fannie-and-freddie|government policy to increase homeownership]] via such acts as the "Community Reinvestment Act" (although it was by [[http://www.businessweek.com/investing/insights/blog/archives/2008/09/community_reinv.html|no means]] [article overstates but has some facts] the primary nor sole cause).