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A particularly ignorant meme has been going around (January 2013); the text of the image is:


Hello yourself, with the ignorance!

"Paranoid" - wrong. Please take the time to learn some history: look up Japanese-American internment, Hitler's concentration camps, Stalin and Mao's mass-murder campaigns.

"Theoretical future fascist government" - define fascist for me, please? If you're really careful, you may come up with a definition that doesn't match what we have _right now_; but it will have the failing of having no bearing on reality.

"my rights to demand" - demand away, intolerant one! Just don't threaten or initiate harm. Forcefully taking away or interfering with voluntary trade is harm - and that includes adding fees or taxes, or supporting same.

"appropriate and reasonable public health policies to stop gun violence" - start by pushing for removing any and call concealed carry bans if you really care about public health. If you're just using a recent tragedy to infringe on individual rights, though, kindly piss off.

"Sincerely" - that's a funny way to spell "trollingly" or "I would like to threaten peaceful people".

"The Rest of the American People" - shockingly, even if there are a majority that would like to infringe on individual rights, that still doesn't make it moral.

Have a nice day; do try to attempt reason in future. Please consider, for example, becoming a supporter of the NonAggressionPrinciple, a moral principle for living.