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"Why don't you go to the libertarian paradise of Somalia?"


"Somalia" is almost the Godwin of anti-libertarian arguments. It indicates a poor understanding of, well, everything—libertarianism, anarchy, and Somalia.

Kevin Carson addresses most of the issues in Somalia—Is That Really All You Got?.—

The major problems with claims that Somalia is a "libertarian utopia" is that it's actually a failed third-world state. Government or no, it's not going to magically acquire the resources, education, and technology to become a first-world nation; and those of us in first-world nations like the technology that even a semi-free market can produce. Second, the fallout of a failed state doesn't mean a peaceful voluntaryist nation. In fact, new distributed states—warlords—sprang up quickly, hardly libertarian followers of the NonAggressionPrinciple.

But it's interesting that measurably, even with those problems, Somalia is in some ways better off then when it had a centralized state: see videos True News 18: Somalia and True News 19: Somalia part 2.