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"If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." ~ Barack Obama

All technological and social advances are attributed to state intervention and state action.


Only individuals act. Only individuals choose. Business success is the result of providing a product or service other people believe is valuable to them. In that sense, other people are partly responsible for your success in business. Government, on the other hand, is a drain on business by imposing onerous regulations and taxes that increase the cost of doing business and make sit hard to provide products and services at a rate customers are willing to pay. (LT)

See also:

The government is not necessary to protect the consumer. ../HealthInspection

The government did not invent roads, and is not the only entity capable of building roads. ../WhoWillBuildTheRoads

The government did not create the internet. Gordon Crovitz: Who Really Invented the Internet?