
Voluntaryism is based on the idea that you don't own other people, in whole or in part.

Axiomatically (see Rothbard, Rand, etc.) you own yourself. This implies several things:

These rights also imply the NonAggressionPrinciple.

Although voluntaryism is politically (meaning, answering the question of where force is justified) similar to anarcho-capitalism, the article How Voluntaryism Transcends Anarchism expounds on how it can influence beyond politics and economics into culture and education, moving from "What do I have the right to do?" to "How can voluntaryism be applied toward a harmonious and productive society?"

http://photo.i4031.net:81/v/V flag.png

See Also: Wikipedia page, 15 Ways You Are Probably Wrong About Anarchists, Agorists, and Voluntaryists

last edited 2014-11-09 16:13:24 by DavidRobins